

Get to know me better

In a world of constant noise and chaos, I find solace in the serene and tranquil. My art reflects this sense of calm, but with a vibrancy that cannot be ignored. My work is light and polite, a gentle reminder to pause and appreciate the beauty in the world around us.

As an artist, I am constantly exploring new mediums and techniques, diving fearlessly into the ocean of new media that surrounds us. Yet, I also draw inspiration from the tried and true practices of the past. I believe that there is a certain magic to be found in the classics, and I strive to incorporate these time-honored techniques into my work.


St. Petersburg State University of Cinema and TV, Director of Interactive Media

Eszterházy Károly Főiskola, Hungary – Arts, Cinema, Web

Exhibitions & Events list:

2024 – Best 360 film “Dance of Life“ at Cine Paris Film Festival

2024 – AI film “Dreamscape Descent“ Nomenee at Cannes World Film Festival

2023 – Best experimental film “Distance to the Moon” at New York Cinematography AWARDS (NYCA)

2023 – Best NTN demo(s) within NTN domain at Mobile World Congress

2023 – “Distance to the Moon” at Kosice International Film Festival

2023 – “Distance to the Moon” at Lift-Off Sessions 2023 @Pinewod Studios

2023 – “Distance to the Moon” at FESTIVAL ANGAELICA

2022 – “Gradient of Schizophrenia” at “Reverse perspective of war: Art for Sanity”, Budapest, Hungary

2022 – personal exhibition “Distance to the Moon” with live dance performance at Kastner Kommunity, Budapest, Hungary

2022 – “Eye on the riffs” at “Freedom for free” exhibition, Rome, Italy

2021 – “Passion diptych” at Likkle Gallery, Queens, New York

2020 – JANUS online exhibition with “Crying king”

2018 – Average Art magazine, Great Britain  published painting “Crying king”

2017 – Contemporary Venice, Venice, Italy with “StereoDance”

2017 – Wild Art exhibition, Budapest with videoart “Crying king” and “Pink Spot”

2016 – Brural Crossroads, New York with interactive documentary “Mine Towns”

2015 – Hungarian National Museum, Budapest with interactive project “Nézz körül!”

2014 – Busho Film Festival, Budapest in the category Experimental with work “StereoDance”

2014 – festival Multimatograf, Russia with videoart “StereoDance”

2014 –  MOME University of Art and Design, Budapest, Hungary – protection of interactive project “Wonder Around”

2014 –  “New Aesthetics: The constancy of the internal principles ” in NCAA Yekaterinburg with diptych “Stereo Dance / Walk”

from September 2013 – resident in TechLab MOME University of Art and Design, Budapest

2013 – Grass Design Week, design-factory Flacon, Moscow with project “Look into your heart this day”

2012 – presented interactive project “Look into your heart this day” in Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest

2012 – Digital Media Arts Forum, St. Petersburg with lecture “Interactive narrative installations”.

2012 – XIII “Media Forum” 34 Moscow International Film Festival, presented interactive projects “Lenin” and “Jump” in workshop “Interactive cinema” by Chris Hales

2011 – Agria Media 2011 Information and Education Technology Conference International Conference on Information

  • Interactive project “LIYHTD” - Part3 - final

So my short swim/intensive dive into reworking the project has come to an end. In project management, this is called a Sprint. You allocate yourself a limited time and achieve certain goals within that time. I had no better deadline than the arrival of the actor who played the lead role in the graduation project. Over about a week and a half, I completely rewrote the project from ActionScript to JavaScript, which turned out to be, understandably, not the most difficult part. The harder part was recreating the visuals. Some things had to be replaced, some stayed and now look like pure old school. Overall, I’m satisfied because the main goal was simply to bring the project to life; now it has life, it lives here. It’s better to view it from a computer, as optimizing for phones wasn’t a goal.

In the photo, it’s me and @vityokok , and him with my kids as the godfather. As you can see, Vitka managed to get out of the office quite well.

#ProjectManagement #Sprint #CodingLife #JavaScript #ActionScript #VisualDesign #OldSchool #TechLife #TechProject #WebDevelopment #ProjectRework #CreativeProcess #TechJourney #CodeLife #DeveloperLife #DigitalTransformation #BehindTheScenes #GraduationProject #Actor #TechMilestone #FamilyAndWork #WorkLifeBalance
  • Interactive project “LIYHTD” - Part2

How the new technologies I have mastered over the past year help me update my old project. In my interactive story, which I used for my diploma protection, I used a collage of photos and illustrations, often assembled in parallax. All the original files were lost, and parallax was no longer justified, so I chose one of the video effects that became available to me through working with Midjourney: the infinite looping zoom. The narrative unfolds loop by loop through the double zoom of images. This effect perfectly suited the concept of my project about the difference between the repetitiveness of reality and the cyclicity of life. Take a look at one of the examples: Native Americans hunt buffalo, they use the hides to build a wigwam, which allows them to continue their lives again. This hunt brings both death and life, all set on repeat. I also show how the main character’s imagination travels through images that he envisions as embodiments of freedom, a great modern effect.

#InteractiveStory #TechInnovation #DigitalArt #VideoEffects #InfiniteZoom #LoopingZoom #NarrativeArt #MidJourney #ProjectUpdate #LifeCycles #Storytelling #VisualStory #CreativeProcess #DigitalCollage #ArtAndTech

Ps: @vityokok if you want to see how 25yo you look like in AI (from back😂)
  • A few words about what I’m currently working on:

12 years ago, I completed my diploma as a director of interactive media with a project “Look into your heart this day” that was an interactive story about the cyclicity of life and the looped nature of reality. I wrote the project in ActionScript, assembled it in Flash, but a few years later, Flash was discontinued even in browsers. The project stopped running. Moreover, Flash disappeared, meaning that even FLA files couldn’t be opened. The project was extensive, with many visuals, parallax, audio, and mini-movies. It was clear that it needed to be rewritten in a live programming language, but the scope was too large to do “in just a few evenings,” as the visuals also needed to be restored.

And now, after 12 years, I can finally set aside a week to rewrite everything, even if it’s just in basic JavaScript. (And then, God willing, if I have more time, maybe I’ll rewrite it in React, which would have been a better idea initially considering the parallax in the original version). But for now, the goal is to revive the project, to bring it back to life somehow.

By the way, back then, the project was nominated as the best web project of the year at Grass Design Week at Flacon. This surprised me a lot because how could it be a web project? It’s art! Back then, I had no idea how everything would intertwine over time. I didn’t think much of games either, despite being in the interactive art department, because we were in a film school! What games? We create art here! Haha, so much snobbery has dissolved in me over the years, it’s strange to see myself gathering friends now...

Anyway, this is just one announcement, and there are at least four more big tasks ahead of me to complete by the end of the summer. I’ll keep you updated!
  • Now that the hype around the book has settled a bit, I can write a post about it and my experience with “Narratives of Budapest”. I rarely write because it’s hard to describe the whirlwind of ideas and potential projects that capture me every day. Anyway.

A year ago, we planned an Art Show about Ethereal Budapest, where stories, legends, and imaginary images of Budapest were to be combined. We performed the show in November. At that time, a year ago, @mashakamenetskaya was inspired by the idea of writing a book about the legends and underground of Budapest. Like many projects we worked on together, I had no doubt that this one would be realized. The book was compiled, a whole team of new editors was found, many interviews were conducted, and essays by artists and writers were published. And even my two cents, built with the kind help of Rachel and Masha were included, thank you ladies. But my main job was, of course, designing the book.

I immediately understood the artistic style of the book when Masha and I were sitting in my kitchen drinking Római Mogyoró-Latte. I strive to choose a modern style based on traditions that were fashionable and innovative in the past. Adapting cool classics to trendy currents. The style of the book cover follows the traditions of Suprematism. I tried to make it playful yet structured, with simplicity and geometric forms also reminiscent of the Bauhaus Movement. We didn’t want to seem boring for a second; instead, the book acquired an elite status and became a fashionable, progressive souvenir with unique content. For all those who would like to see, feel, remember, and live in Budapest. Now it is available in many city stores and online on our website.

For me, this book unexpectedly became a summary of the last 10 years of my life. I came here - further details of life described in our book, sorry, 10 years without spoilers - we, along with @panel_litmag , are publishing a book about Budapest, and it is welcomed in many wonderful local bookstores. All is going well.
  • Working on smth extremely experimental with 
#technology #art #modernart #workinprogress #dance #modernart #experimentalarr
  • Currently, I’m working on the layout, design, and illustrations for the book “Narratives of Budapest” for @panel_litmag. I’ll provide more details about it shortly. Also, my essay “Two Lives” will be published there, reflecting on how I’ve intertwined the life of an artist and that of a tech corporation employee over the past few years. The book will contain stories that have taken place in Budapest. Here, my art practice, survival, and projects have all unfolded. We’re not planning to leave yet, but contemplating how my life here has been both exciting and beneficial. Spoiler alert: pretty good.

Of course, I can’t imagine fitting this whirlwind of ideas, events, and completed projects into either the essay or my post. Right now, I’m trying to gather everything on my website (By the way, your feedback would be helpful).

I hope this confluence of two lives will lead me to something new and impressive at the intersection of new technologies and art.

#NarrativesOfBudapest #ArtAndTech #TwoLives #BudapestStories #ArtPractice #CreativeProjects #LifeReflections #IntersectionOfArtAndTech #NewBeginnings

Сейчас я работаю над версткой, дизайном и иллюстрациями для книги “Нарративы Будапешта”. Я расскажу о ней подробнее чуть позже. Там же  будет опубликован мой текст “Две жизни”, небольшое эссе рефлексия о том, как я организовывала и переплетала жизнь художника и сотрудника технологичной корпорации в течении последних нескольких лет. Книга будет содержать истории, случившиеся в Будапеште. Вот и моя арт практика, выживание и проекты случились в Будапеште. Уезжать мы пока не собираемся, но подумать о том, как проходит моя жизнь здесь было волнительно и полезно. Спойлер: неплохо. 
Конечно, я не представляю, как вместить весь этот водоворот идей, событий и реализованных проектов ни в эссе, ни в свой пост, сейчас я пытаюсь как-то все это собрать на своем сайте (Кстати, ваш фидбек будет полезен). 
Надеюсь, это течение 2х жизней принесет меня к чему-то новому, впечатляющему, на стыке новых технологий и искусства.
  • A small report on what happened yesterday. It was called ECHOS SURRÉALISTES CONTEMPORAINS /2024 /LUXOR /SAINT-CIRQ-LAPOPIE /BUDAPEST /ALABAMA - an international event of surrealists. I assisted the artists from abroad in presenting their works via AR (augmented reality). I created three surreal gates in AI and used them as triggers for AR, allowing viewers to see the images of the foreign artists. Additionally, there were various enjoyable workshops taking place. But personally, what interested me the most was simply hanging out with people in the Aurora art space with my baby Miro and spending the warm evening in Jozsefvaros while a massive garbage dump (lotatanitas) was happening around. In any case, it was a good evening. And you can check out my app by scanning the QR code and pointing your phone at the images of the surreal gates.

#Surrealism #ContemporaryArt #AugmentedReality #ArtEvent #InternationalArt #ArtistsAbroad #Workshops #ArtSpace #Community #BabyMiro #Jozsefvaros #ArtInnovation #QRCode #ARApp #ArtisticExpression #SurrealGates #ArtistCollaboration #CreativeTechnology #EnvironmentalAwareness #TrashDump #GoodEvening #InstagramArt
  • Remembering feelings
As I work on my pregnancy project, I’m experimenting with various images and designs. One concept I’m exploring is the sensation of breathlessness in the final months of pregnancy, when the growing stomach presses against the diaphragm. It’s akin to being submerged underwater, with movements slowing down until the moment when labor begins, like a wave bringing forth a baby when the water breaks. Although this visual won’t be part of the final project, I’ll share other interesting elements I’m working on from time to time.

This was created via AI - Midjourney and Adobe premiere 

#PregnancyProject #BreathlessnessInPregnancy #MaternalJourney #PregnancyArt #PregnancyExperience #PregnancyVisuals #LaborPreparation #PregnancyIllustration #CreativeProcess #AIandArt #AdobePremiereArt #PregnancyJourney #MaternalArtistry #AIinArt #aivideos #ai #midjourney #modernart #contemporaryart #digitalart #digitalillustration
  • My 5yo son recently learned how to take photos, and he captured one so amazing that I thought it would be perfect to use as a self-introduction for people we haven’t spoken to much.

Originally from Perm, a city by the Ural Mountains bridging Europe and Asia, my journey takes unexpected turns. My father, a helicopter engineer involved in Chernobyl’s aftermath, led us back to Perm after a crash.

I pursued my passion at St. Petersburg State University of Cinema and TV, graduating as a Director of interactive media. A 2012 exchange program with a Hungarian university turned into a more permanent stay. For the last 11 years I live in Budapest, Hungary.

Now, I wear multiple hats as the Art Director of a literature and art magazine, navigating the exciting world of new media art, XR and AI while being a mom to two sons. Life’s a dynamic canvas, and I’m painting my story at the intersection of creativity and everyday chaos.

Adding a bit more, I am an interactive media and visual artist creating art that integrates dance performance, extended reality, and combines classical art techniques with new media art.

Exploring topics: psychology, social catastrophes, opportunities and level of awareness of people at the present moment of history. My works are presented at several Exhibitions and Museums around the world, such as Freedom for free exhibition, Rome, Italy, New York Cinematography AWARDS, New York, USA, Hungarian Museum of Ethnography, Budapest, Hungary, and others. However, for the last 2 years, I have been fully immersed in exploring the possibilities of the world of virtual and augmented reality and AI. 

I’d love to team up with folks who dig the same things or dream up something totally fresh together!

#YoungPhotographer #LifeJourney #PermToBudapest #ArtisticOdyssey #Mompreneur #NewMediaArt #InteractiveArt #XRArtist #AIInnovation #CollaborativeCreativity
Interactive project “LIYHTD” – Part3 – final So my short swim/intensive dive into reworking the project has come to an end. In project management, this is called a Sprint. You allocate yourself a limited time and achieve certain goals within that time. I had no better deadline than the arrival of the actor who played the lead role in the graduation project. Over about a week and a half, I completely rewrote the project from ActionScript to JavaScript, which turned out to be, understandably, not the most difficult part. The harder part was recreating the visuals. Some things had to be replaced, some stayed and now look like pure old school. Overall, I’m satisfied because the main goal was simply to bring the project to life; now it has life, it lives here. It’s better to view it from a computer, as optimizing for phones wasn’t a goal. In the photo, it’s me and @vityokok , and him with my kids as the godfather. As you can see, Vitka managed to get out of the office quite well. #ProjectManagement #Sprint #CodingLife #JavaScript #ActionScript #VisualDesign #OldSchool #TechLife #TechProject #WebDevelopment #ProjectRework #CreativeProcess #TechJourney #CodeLife #DeveloperLife #DigitalTransformation #BehindTheScenes #GraduationProject #Actor #TechMilestone #FamilyAndWork #WorkLifeBalance
2 days ago
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Interactive project “LIYHTD” – Part2 How the new technologies I have mastered over the past year help me update my old project. In my interactive story, which I used for my diploma protection, I used a collage of photos and illustrations, often assembled in parallax. All the original files were lost, and parallax was no longer justified, so I chose one of the video effects that became available to me through working with Midjourney: the infinite looping zoom. The narrative unfolds loop by loop through the double zoom of images. This effect perfectly suited the concept of my project about the difference between the repetitiveness of reality and the cyclicity of life. Take a look at one of the examples: Native Americans hunt buffalo, they use the hides to build a wigwam, which allows them to continue their lives again. This hunt brings both death and life, all set on repeat. I also show how the main character’s imagination travels through images that he envisions as embodiments of freedom, a great modern effect. #InteractiveStory #TechInnovation #DigitalArt #VideoEffects #InfiniteZoom #LoopingZoom #NarrativeArt #MidJourney #ProjectUpdate #LifeCycles #Storytelling #VisualStory #CreativeProcess #DigitalCollage #ArtAndTech Ps: @vityokok if you want to see how 25yo you look like in AI (from back😂)
6 days ago
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A few words about what I’m currently working on: 12 years ago, I completed my diploma as a director of interactive media with a project “Look into your heart this day” that was an interactive story about the cyclicity of life and the looped nature of reality. I wrote the project in ActionScript, assembled it in Flash, but a few years later, Flash was discontinued even in browsers. The project stopped running. Moreover, Flash disappeared, meaning that even FLA files couldn’t be opened. The project was extensive, with many visuals, parallax, audio, and mini-movies. It was clear that it needed to be rewritten in a live programming language, but the scope was too large to do “in just a few evenings,” as the visuals also needed to be restored. And now, after 12 years, I can finally set aside a week to rewrite everything, even if it’s just in basic JavaScript. (And then, God willing, if I have more time, maybe I’ll rewrite it in React, which would have been a better idea initially considering the parallax in the original version). But for now, the goal is to revive the project, to bring it back to life somehow. By the way, back then, the project was nominated as the best web project of the year at Grass Design Week at Flacon. This surprised me a lot because how could it be a web project? It’s art! Back then, I had no idea how everything would intertwine over time. I didn’t think much of games either, despite being in the interactive art department, because we were in a film school! What games? We create art here! Haha, so much snobbery has dissolved in me over the years, it’s strange to see myself gathering friends now… Anyway, this is just one announcement, and there are at least four more big tasks ahead of me to complete by the end of the summer. I’ll keep you updated!
2 weeks ago
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Now that the hype around the book has settled a bit, I can write a post about it and my experience with “Narratives of Budapest”. I rarely write because it’s hard to describe the whirlwind of ideas and potential projects that capture me every day. Anyway. A year ago, we planned an Art Show about Ethereal Budapest, where stories, legends, and imaginary images of Budapest were to be combined. We performed the show in November. At that time, a year ago, @mashakamenetskaya was inspired by the idea of writing a book about the legends and underground of Budapest. Like many projects we worked on together, I had no doubt that this one would be realized. The book was compiled, a whole team of new editors was found, many interviews were conducted, and essays by artists and writers were published. And even my two cents, built with the kind help of Rachel and Masha were included, thank you ladies. But my main job was, of course, designing the book. I immediately understood the artistic style of the book when Masha and I were sitting in my kitchen drinking Római Mogyoró-Latte. I strive to choose a modern style based on traditions that were fashionable and innovative in the past. Adapting cool classics to trendy currents. The style of the book cover follows the traditions of Suprematism. I tried to make it playful yet structured, with simplicity and geometric forms also reminiscent of the Bauhaus Movement. We didn’t want to seem boring for a second; instead, the book acquired an elite status and became a fashionable, progressive souvenir with unique content. For all those who would like to see, feel, remember, and live in Budapest. Now it is available in many city stores and online on our website. For me, this book unexpectedly became a summary of the last 10 years of my life. I came here – further details of life described in our book, sorry, 10 years without spoilers – we, along with @panel_litmag , are publishing a book about Budapest, and it is welcomed in many wonderful local bookstores. All is going well.
1 month ago
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Working on smth extremely experimental with #technology #art #modernart #workinprogress #dance #modernart #experimentalarr
1 month ago
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Currently, I’m working on the layout, design, and illustrations for the book “Narratives of Budapest” for @panel_litmag. I’ll provide more details about it shortly. Also, my essay “Two Lives” will be published there, reflecting on how I’ve intertwined the life of an artist and that of a tech corporation employee over the past few years. The book will contain stories that have taken place in Budapest. Here, my art practice, survival, and projects have all unfolded. We’re not planning to leave yet, but contemplating how my life here has been both exciting and beneficial. Spoiler alert: pretty good. Of course, I can’t imagine fitting this whirlwind of ideas, events, and completed projects into either the essay or my post. Right now, I’m trying to gather everything on my website (By the way, your feedback would be helpful). I hope this confluence of two lives will lead me to something new and impressive at the intersection of new technologies and art. #NarrativesOfBudapest #ArtAndTech #TwoLives #BudapestStories #ArtPractice #CreativeProjects #LifeReflections #IntersectionOfArtAndTech #NewBeginnings Сейчас я работаю над версткой, дизайном и иллюстрациями для книги “Нарративы Будапешта”. Я расскажу о ней подробнее чуть позже. Там же будет опубликован мой текст “Две жизни”, небольшое эссе рефлексия о том, как я организовывала и переплетала жизнь художника и сотрудника технологичной корпорации в течении последних нескольких лет. Книга будет содержать истории, случившиеся в Будапеште. Вот и моя арт практика, выживание и проекты случились в Будапеште. Уезжать мы пока не собираемся, но подумать о том, как проходит моя жизнь здесь было волнительно и полезно. Спойлер: неплохо. Конечно, я не представляю, как вместить весь этот водоворот идей, событий и реализованных проектов ни в эссе, ни в свой пост, сейчас я пытаюсь как-то все это собрать на своем сайте (Кстати, ваш фидбек будет полезен). Надеюсь, это течение 2х жизней принесет меня к чему-то новому, впечатляющему, на стыке новых технологий и искусства.
2 months ago
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A small report on what happened yesterday. It was called ECHOS SURRÉALISTES CONTEMPORAINS /2024 /LUXOR /SAINT-CIRQ-LAPOPIE /BUDAPEST /ALABAMA – an international event of surrealists. I assisted the artists from abroad in presenting their works via AR (augmented reality). I created three surreal gates in AI and used them as triggers for AR, allowing viewers to see the images of the foreign artists. Additionally, there were various enjoyable workshops taking place. But personally, what interested me the most was simply hanging out with people in the Aurora art space with my baby Miro and spending the warm evening in Jozsefvaros while a massive garbage dump (lotatanitas) was happening around. In any case, it was a good evening. And you can check out my app by scanning the QR code and pointing your phone at the images of the surreal gates. #Surrealism #ContemporaryArt #AugmentedReality #ArtEvent #InternationalArt #ArtistsAbroad #Workshops #ArtSpace #Community #BabyMiro #Jozsefvaros #ArtInnovation #QRCode #ARApp #ArtisticExpression #SurrealGates #ArtistCollaboration #CreativeTechnology #EnvironmentalAwareness #TrashDump #GoodEvening #InstagramArt
3 months ago
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Remembering feelings As I work on my pregnancy project, I’m experimenting with various images and designs. One concept I’m exploring is the sensation of breathlessness in the final months of pregnancy, when the growing stomach presses against the diaphragm. It’s akin to being submerged underwater, with movements slowing down until the moment when labor begins, like a wave bringing forth a baby when the water breaks. Although this visual won’t be part of the final project, I’ll share other interesting elements I’m working on from time to time. This was created via AI – Midjourney and Adobe premiere #PregnancyProject #BreathlessnessInPregnancy #MaternalJourney #PregnancyArt #PregnancyExperience #PregnancyVisuals #LaborPreparation #PregnancyIllustration #CreativeProcess #AIandArt #AdobePremiereArt #PregnancyJourney #MaternalArtistry #AIinArt #aivideos #ai #midjourney #modernart #contemporaryart #digitalart #digitalillustration
5 months ago
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My 5yo son recently learned how to take photos, and he captured one so amazing that I thought it would be perfect to use as a self-introduction for people we haven’t spoken to much.

Originally from Perm, a city by the Ural Mountains bridging Europe and Asia, my journey takes unexpected turns. My father, a helicopter engineer involved in Chernobyl’s aftermath, led us back to Perm after a crash.

I pursued my passion at St. Petersburg State University of Cinema and TV, graduating as a Director of interactive media. A 2012 exchange program with a Hungarian university turned into a more permanent stay. For the last 11 years I live in Budapest, Hungary.

Now, I wear multiple hats as the Art Director of a literature and art magazine, navigating the exciting world of new media art, XR and AI while being a mom to two sons. Life’s a dynamic canvas, and I’m painting my story at the intersection of creativity and everyday chaos.

Adding a bit more, I am an interactive media and visual artist creating art that integrates dance performance, extended reality, and combines classical art techniques with new media art.

Exploring topics: psychology, social catastrophes, opportunities and level of awareness of people at the present moment of history. My works are presented at several Exhibitions and Museums around the world, such as Freedom for free exhibition, Rome, Italy, New York Cinematography AWARDS, New York, USA, Hungarian Museum of Ethnography, Budapest, Hungary, and others. However, for the last 2 years, I have been fully immersed in exploring the possibilities of the world of virtual and augmented reality and AI. 

I’d love to team up with folks who dig the same things or dream up something totally fresh together!

#YoungPhotographer #LifeJourney #PermToBudapest #ArtisticOdyssey #Mompreneur #NewMediaArt #InteractiveArt #XRArtist #AIInnovation #CollaborativeCreativity
My 5yo son recently learned how to take photos, and he captured one so amazing that I thought it would be perfect to use as a self-introduction for people we haven’t spoken to much. Originally from Perm, a city by the Ural Mountains bridging Europe and Asia, my journey takes unexpected turns. My father, a helicopter engineer involved in Chernobyl’s aftermath, led us back to Perm after a crash. I pursued my passion at St. Petersburg State University of Cinema and TV, graduating as a Director of interactive media. A 2012 exchange program with a Hungarian university turned into a more permanent stay. For the last 11 years I live in Budapest, Hungary. Now, I wear multiple hats as the Art Director of a literature and art magazine, navigating the exciting world of new media art, XR and AI while being a mom to two sons. Life’s a dynamic canvas, and I’m painting my story at the intersection of creativity and everyday chaos. Adding a bit more, I am an interactive media and visual artist creating art that integrates dance performance, extended reality, and combines classical art techniques with new media art. Exploring topics: psychology, social catastrophes, opportunities and level of awareness of people at the present moment of history. My works are presented at several Exhibitions and Museums around the world, such as Freedom for free exhibition, Rome, Italy, New York Cinematography AWARDS, New York, USA, Hungarian Museum of Ethnography, Budapest, Hungary, and others. However, for the last 2 years, I have been fully immersed in exploring the possibilities of the world of virtual and augmented reality and AI. I’d love to team up with folks who dig the same things or dream up something totally fresh together! #YoungPhotographer #LifeJourney #PermToBudapest #ArtisticOdyssey #Mompreneur #NewMediaArt #InteractiveArt #XRArtist #AIInnovation #CollaborativeCreativity
6 months ago
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Conference “Graphic Design: Traditions and Innovations”, St Petersburg, Russia 2017-2020


“Magazine design in pandemic time” 2020

“The challenges in design of literature magazine” 2019

“The Quest for Easy. Ericsson rebranding process” 2018

“Interactive documentary Mine Towns” “Мои города на шахтах” 2017

“Are we free, yet?” Panel magazine 2020