
Distance to the Moon​

Distance to the Moon

“Distance to the Moon” is an experimental psychological performance with AR elements. It sets the atmosphere of endless nowhere, ocean, or universe, or endless mind palace. 

This is the show when virtual reality imitates real space, when emotions become virtual 3D objects, and, shortly after, emerge in dance. The dance performance tells a story of living through the emotional storm, making adjustments, and finding peace with yourself by using modern technologies while being isolated and lonely. 

The project is a recording of a psychological dance performance with elements of augmented reality. The recording took place in Brno, Czech Republic on October 25, 2022. A person is alone in a boat in the middle of the ocean, which is a metaphor for living and analysing one’s own feelings and emotions alone. 

The moon is approaching the Earth, a person plunges into a melancholic state, but this also provokes the rise of various underwater creatures from the ocean, they personify emotions. Elements of AR complement the story and create sensations similar to the associative figurative work of the subconscious. 

“Distance to the Moon” is a short story by Italo Calvino that describes a fantastical journey to the moon. The story has several elements that make it well-suited for adaptation into a dance performance with AR elements. AR technology allows for a greater degree of interactivity between the performers and the audience. For example, the audience can use their phones or other devices to interact with the AR elements, creating a more engaging and participatory experience.The fantastical nature of the story provides ample opportunity for creative expression through dance and AR elements. The performers and choreographers can use their imaginations to create a unique and visually stunning performance that brings the story to life in new and unexpected ways.

It worth analysing own emotions and experiences, it helps to resolve the cope with difficult situations, understand yourself and identify steps that can help to move on.